
Estimations show that about 5% of all men are gay. Even if this number seems to be small we are still a big and colourful group in our city. The most important element of our gay community is a common feeling of togetherness within our group.

Partners, related clubs, the scene in Munich or the internet portal GayRomeo are important parts of the “gay community”. We would like to point those out by having their links on our pages.



The MLC has a club profile on the PlanetRomeo internet platform:


This club is being maintained by a dedicated MLC member.

The club „Munich-UnderGround” with already more than 1,800 members features recent information about UnderGround parties and many more interesting things about the MLC.

If you want to benefit from this PlanetRomeo club you have to be a PlanetRomeo member first, of course. Then you need to open the club page and apply for a membership there. The club administrator will then activate your membership.


Hot spots in Munich

Other clubs and associations in Munich:


Bars and restaurants:
