MLC Starkbierfest

Our candidates for the election of the Bavarian Mister Fetish 2025

Showcase 2

Your visit at UnderGround
Due to the regulation of the legal authority of the city of Munich, we have to verify the identy of each guest of the UNDERGROUND by a legal document. So no final access without a official document, like a passport, drivers license or an identity card issued by the legal authority of the country or the homecity, never the less, MLC membercards are also allowed. Photographed documents or digital document apps are not allowed. A pre-registration is no longer necessary.
Admission prices:
Reduced admission price for MLC members: 10 EUR
Without a membership card, admission will be granted at the regular admission price.
Regular admission price for one-day membership: 17 EUR
Reduced admission price for persons up to 25 years of age as part of a one-day membership: 12 EUR

Hotel recommendations

The Hotel Deutsche Eiche (“German Oak”) has been for over 150 years a real center of the gay community in the middle of the gay village, in the heart of Munich. The Eiche outshines chain hotels with its unique mix of services: Munich’s most beautiful rooftop terrace with a view of the Old City and the Alps, Central Europe’s largest male sauna, a design hotel with 36 modern rooms and a regionally very well-known and traditional restaurant.

Nearby parking spaces are available upon prior reservation and the MLC’s (Münchner Löwen Club) Underground Club can also be reached directly in barely more than 20 minutes by subway.

The Deutsche Eiche looks forward to welcoming MLC guests.

10% discount on accomodation at Holiday Inn München Süd

For all members and guests looking for accomodation close to UnderGround we made a price deal with the Holiday Inn München Süd at Kistlerhofstrasse 142 (only 200 meters from UnderGround).

If you book your room using this link you will receive a 10% discount on the lowest Best Flexible Rate (daily rate). During certain times of high-season trade fairs or other big events (unfotunately this also applies to Oktoberfest) this discount won’t be applicable. Please make sure to enter our company ID 786798308 on the left hand side and choose the tariff preference “Münchner Löwen Club”. Only then you will be eligible for the discount.

The MLC only did the discount negociations. Bookings, payments and all other things are solely to be processed with the hotel directly.

HIV-Test per Post mit S.A.M

Eine Info der Münchner Aids-Hilfe:

Infektionen früh entdecken und behandeln
Ein kleiner Stich in den Finger zur Blutentnahme, eine Urinprobe, einige Abstriche mit Wattestäbchen, die Proben in einem Plastikbeutel verstauen und in die Post geben: So einfach funktioniert das neue Heimtest-System S.A.M für Checks auf HIV und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Ab sofort wird es in Bayern für ein Jahr erprobt. Entwickelt wurde das innovative Konzept von der Münchner Aids-Hilfe und ihrem Dachverband, der Deutschen AIDS-Hilfe, ViiV Healthcare und dem Labor Lademannbogen in Hamburg. Mehr Infos auf: und auf der Seite der Münchner Aids-Hilfe!